If one was to use Donald Trump’s logic and wanted to “Make America Great Again,” we’d be taken back to the days when racially dicey language was part of federal laws.

It’s a fact that laws have been written in this country with certain language that today would make us cringe, like: “Oriental” and “negro.”

To deal with that, Congresswoman Grace Meng pushed a bill through Congress, which reads, in part:

Section 211(f)(1) of the Department of Energy Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 7141(f)(1)) is amended by striking “a Negro, Puerto Rican, American Indian, Eskimo, Oriental, or Aleut or is a Spanish-speaking individual of Spanish descent” and inserting “Asian American, Native Hawaiian, a Pacific Islander, African-American, Hispanic, Puerto Rican, Native American, or an Alaska Native.”

Mediaite reports that today, President Obama signed that bill into law and now that language will be removed.

“Many Americans may not be aware that the word ‘Oriental’ is derogatory. But it is an insulting term that needed to be removed from the books, and I am extremely pleased that my legislation to do that is now the law of the land,” Meng said in a statement.

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