Bill Cosby’s lawyers are dissecting an 11-year-old police statement in an attempt to discredit the woman accusing him of sexual assault in Pennsylvania.


Defense lawyer Brian McMonagle pointed to contact Andrea Constand said she had with Cosby after the 2004 encounter in which she said Cosby molested her.

A judge will determine whether Montgomery County prosecutors have enough evidence to send the 78-year-old entertainer to trial.

Detective Katherine Hart testified Constand told detectives in 2005 that she returned to Cosby’s home because she wanted to confront him about what had happened.

Constand also told detectives she contacted Cosby after the encounter because she wanted tickets to one of his comedy shows. McMonagle says Constand brought her family to the performance and had a present for Cosby.

A Pennsylvania judge has heard portions of the statement Bill Cosby’s accuser gave to police, leading to a felony sexual assault charge against the comedian.

Prosecutors hope the 2005 police statement will provide enough evidence for a judge to decide Tuesday that the case against the 78-year-old can go to trial.

Andrea Constand told police that Cosby penetrated her with his fingers as she drifted in and out of consciousness soon after he gave her three blue pills in 2004.

She said she had told Cosby she “trusted” him when he gave her the pills and told her it was herbal medication.

On cross examination, Cosby attorney Brian McMonigle questioned the fact that Constand continued to see Cosby and even returned to his house outside Philadelphia to meet with him after the encounter.

Associated Press  
